Exploring Autistic Identity Through Art

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Giving women on the autism spectrum a safe and inclusive opportunity to explore autistic identity through art…

In Partnership with Relationships Australia Canberra and Region

I am feeling very grateful for the absolute privilege of using my art experience through Spoonfuls of Whimsy and lived experience as an Autistic Woman to partner as a co-facilitator of a support group launched by Relationships Australia Canberra & Region

This group is designed to give women on the autism spectrum a safe and inclusive opportunity to explore autistic identity through art through facilitated workshops run alongside two other talented women… Amanda and Miah (and frankly I’d be lost without them!)

The group runs for three months and will be online to accommodate covid-19 restrictions.

We start this week!! For further information, or to express your interest, please contact our group facilitator (groups@racr.org.au) or call (02) 6122 7100.


*All screenshots owned by Prime7 News Wagga

Head to my instagram linked above to catch some news footage provided by Prime 7 News Wagga!


Abstract Realities…


Finding Beauty in the Broken Places…