Just a Spoonful of Whimsy…?
What’s in a name?
Firstly, let’s answer a question not related to my business name…Why do I pursue Photography and Art? I believe that art has incredible abilities to bring joy into people's lives, bring people together, allow people to express themselves and explore feelings, emotions and thoughts. When pursuing portrait and lifestyle photography I live for the ‘moments in between’ - the moments that are not posed shots but rather are authentic, real moments. The smiling moments, the laugh out loud moments, the full of energy moments as well as the moments of rest, quiet and peace. The moments that make us laugh or cry, that show off our wonderful uniqueness or that capture that special bond that exists between the people we care about.
Art for me is so often my peace and solace. Those quiet moments of creative achievement have helped guide me through chronic health battles and struggles with mental illness and in the process have taught me that I can find beauty even in the dark moments, the broken moments, the times I’ve felt hopeless and downtrodden… I’ve found that art, especially photography, forces me to focus on things that are good, beautiful and interesting! The motto I live by when life gets difficult is that it’s possible to “find beauty in the broken places” and in turn, when things are good again, I am reminded that there is beauty around us always. I am rarely more at peace than when I have a camera (or sketchbook) in my hands
But back to the name… Having gone through a range of health battles with both my body and my mind that at times I thought I’d never win, I’ve learnt that one of the greatest gifts we can give is a part of ourselves; that we can intentionally CREATE BEAUTY to bring joy to others. I’ve always had a somewhat ‘whimsical’ view of life. I love fantasy, absurdity and moments that place us just slightly outside of the box. I grew up reading about and imagining whimsical, wonderful worlds and as a keen people watcher I’d watch with fascination and joy at the small moments of wonder and whimsy that are all around us in daily life. Later as I discovered photography in my early twenties and other forms of artistic expression, like drawing and painting in my late twenties, I discovered I had a means of capturing those moments and sharing them with others.
SO that explains the whimsy, but why “spoonfuls”? Well, that has profound meaning for me, but it requires a bit of backstory. I alluded already to physical and mental health battles. For the sake of this moment, I won’t go into details except to say that at times the battle has been overwhelming. However, regardless of that I will never be ashamed to speak out- especially about mental health- as I believe that the only way to remove the stigma around disability and mental illness is to SPEAK! On another day I will tell more of that story, but back to the Spoons. What’s with the spoons…?
In the world of Chronic Illness, Disability and Mental Health there is concept that has that has emerged called “the spoon theory”, that was originally developed by a woman named Christine Miserandino (I have linked below to the whole story however here is a brief summary). In a frustrated attempt to explain to her friend what her life with disability was like she found 12 spoons. Her friends first response was that she wanted more. But 12 was all Christine had and that’s all that she got to work with. Regardless of how many tasks she set out to achieve, having a chronic illness meant that she was limited the number of “spoons” (which ultimately represent allocations of energy and stamina) she had to give to the world each day. This concept has become infamous in parts of the chronic illness and disability community as it so accurately portrays the constant battle that is living with a disability, be it medical or mental health related. So how does this relate to art…
Every time I take photos or create art, I am spending my “spoons”, sometimes I’m spending several at a time. But I do it joyfully and it is often the highlight of my days. So, each time I engage with a client, sell a piece of art, or take someone’s photo I am giving you “Spoonfuls” of energy, and focus, and care in the hope that I can help contribute to a world that is just a little bit brighter and filled with a little more whimsy and joy than it was before.
I hope you’ll come along on this creative journey with me and find out how wonderful and whimsical the world can really be.
My name is Jessica and welcome to “Spoonfuls of Whimsy”!
(To read the spoon theory story in its entirety visit https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/