A Rich New Lens

THIS IS IT!! My final scholarship piece for the Regional Storyteller Scholarship!

I am so proud of this story and the amazing people in it!

9 months including 5 months of research and 4 months of production went into making this happen. I hope it starts some meaningful and substantive conversations!

Thank you to everyone who spoke to me and helped me make this happen!!

Special thanks to Jac Den Houting, Jennifer Hankin and Megan Spindler-Smith, Dr Jonathan Ho and Kathy Halbsch as well as Nicole Mills, my amazing producer and the many other amazing colleagues involved in the production and distribution of this article…


Note- This blog has admittedly been less attended to recently as I have worked on balancing my spoons between employment and other opportunities.

I will be retrospectively be sharing some more of my scholarship work in the coming weeks and then looking forward to what comes next!


Walkley Foundation “Media Diversity Australia Award” Finalist for 2023!!


The Most Dangerous Conversations are the ones we never have…